Today , is my 10th day of my reproductive cycle , and so yeah yesterday is the last day of my menses phase . (huhu pls pls kita dah besar im trying to be as subtle as possible in describing this thang) . Tadi after maghrib prayer , I feel - " ya allah rindunya" . yeahhh u know that feeling . after 5-10 days were your off day then bila you buat balik you feel liddat .

I honestly think of this in a positive way . Dia macam when you let things go ,  youll miss it . haa gittew . Jujurla ( haha berapa kali nak jujur ni lul) , im sooo not good in maintaing my performance in solat ni . Jujur . kadang kadang bila dah habis bagi salam sometimes i will have this feeling macam " ya allah add kenapa tak fokus betul betul time sembahyang tadi " ( tapi tak solat balik pun huhu teruk kan )

And so , my main point is how important it is to be consistent in our daily ibadah seharian (repetition detected) . Entah la , but i believe in the power in it . sebabtu orang  cakap " jaga solat , and you akan berjaya " Wehhhh its more than you tak tinggal sembahyang . its more to "trying to achieve kesempurnaan in it"

Therefore , I believe that when you trying to be perfect in sembahyang , you ll  find that your life will be perfect as well . I have had this experience before . masa sekolah dulu . and i miss that life so much . my life seems so smooth dari pagi sampai ke malam . I hardly feel dengki ke any other penyakit hati at that time . sekarang ni , sikit sikit nak emo . haa nampak tak syaitann tu mudahnya dia nak bisik dekat kita tanpa kita sedar kita terlayan bisikan tu .

Maha suci Allah yang memiliki segala kesempurnaan .

The reason I wrote this is supaya nanti bila aku lagha bolehla aku tarbiyah diri tu sikit jangan nak jahil sangat hahah .

bye guys



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