The girl with her stethoscope Part 2

“Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you.” 
― Oscar WildeThe Importance of Being Earnest 

I've been through a lot of things in my life. That turned me into a fighter. I always strive to be the best I possibly can. My dream are what that keep me going . People say that when you think you can , you can . Yes , it was indeed . It's not that easy to get up here . I'm thankful for what I have . I am thankful to have such a good and helpful companion . Gale helped me a lot during our study years . He did . Frankly speaking , Gale was not my boyfriend . He wasn't . But I just love the way he are , genuinely natural and honest . I don't know how to describe my feelings - but I think I'd secretly admire him .I was not going to tell him about this feeling . I hope he wouldn't know . I was perfectly happy where I am right now ; having just a nice and simple platonic relationship with him . 

" Prim , Are you listening ? " he woke me up from my daydreaming 

" Oh , sorry Gale . What is it are you trying to tell me ?" I replied

"  Nothing actually .. but .. " Gale murmured with himself

" But what ?" I exclaimed

" Who will be replacing me when I'm die ?" He asked me 

" Why are you saying that ?" I said 

" I'm just asking ." He replied 

" Perhaps I am the one who will end this life first ,"  I speak gloomily 

" Prim ..." He murmured again . But this time he clenched firmly against my wrist and suddenly ..

" Gale !!!!! "

Gale collapsed .

He lied effortlessly on the bed . I slung my stethoscope over my neck as soon as he began to open both his eyes . I took my flashlight to see his pupil's condition .Then , Gale was trying to get up from his place . I helped him to lie in a more comfort posture . He looked weak and pale . I can't bear seeing him like this . Why did he said like that ? What did he mean ? What he was trying to say ? There were some lingering doubts in my mind . Gale 's vital signs were not good . His oxygen saturation level was quite low . His BP*  was inconsistent and  pulse was high . I worried about him . Without any hesitaion , I took a chair and sat next to his bed ; right in front of him . 

" Dr Gale , is there anything that you are trying to keep from me ?" I ask him

He didn't say a word , but he gave me this regretful look . 

" Gale , what is it ? It's okay . It's just me ," I tried to calm him down .

" Dr Prim , I'm sorry .hmm... I took cigarretes ," he said  woefully

My guess was right after all . I know since yesterday we met . The look that he gave  told me that something wasn't right with him . He got some unpredictable stories to tell me . 

"Are you okay Gale ? How long you have had them ?" I said 

He told me he have been smoking since the first year of his internship . Gale have been working as a resident for 2 years . It meant , he had smoke for 4 years . He never told me about this . Perharps Gale did not want me to worry about him . But things have came to worse . He always had a persistent cough with phlegm that never seems to go away . Sometimes he had increasing breathlessness when exersicing or moving around . Oh God , what were these symptoms trying to tell me ? Come on brain , think . What was it . 

Was it something terrible ?

Or maybe unpredictable ?

What is it ?

Think brain , think .


I just suspected him with COPD* ! He might have suffered COPD ! No , it can't be . I can't accept it . I should have done further diagnosis to Gale . I will . Dr Prim will diagnose him . 

COPD : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
BP       : Blood Pressure

What is COPD ?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease.
People with COPD have difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of their airways, this is called airflow obstruction.
Typical symptoms of COPD include:
  • increasing breathlessness when active
  • a persistent cough with phlegm
  • frequent chest infections

Why does COPD happen?

The main cause of COPD is smoking. The likelihood of developing COPD increases the more you smoke and the longer you've been smoking. This is because smoking irritates and inflames the lungs, which results in scarring.
Over many years, the inflammation leads to permanent changes in the lung. The walls of the airways thicken and more mucus is produced. Damage to the delicate walls of the air sacs in the lungs causes emphysema and the lungs lose their normal elasticity. The smaller airways also become scarred and narrowed. These changes cause the symptoms of breathlessness, cough and phlegm associated with COPD.
Some cases of COPD are caused by fumes, dust, air pollution and genetic disorders, but these are rarer.


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