Paper hearts

[10072018 , 1.59 am]

Im listening to Born singer , dead leaves while typing this post

Helllo . I actually should go to sleep right now . tapi I don’t feel sleepy but im actually feel so tired . im getting and feeling emotional plus im alone here in my room so yeah I took my laptop and here I am .

How are you guys doing ? I hope everything goes well . eeeeieiisidfjakdjfaoiefkaddi nape aku rasa emo ni !!!!! tidur la add :( . okay maybe because this is my first day of menses , so im in a state of hormonal imbalance and it affected my mood aishhhhhhhhh .

Okay nak cakap pasal apa ? entahlah. But to wrap up my day today , hari ni me and my elective group we went to zoo negara to do some community service work , and yeah it was fun .


Sebab .

My internet quota for youtube is almost 80 percent used :( and so I have to limit my youtube usage. and im so sad sebab I cant use my freee time to listen and watch my bangtan babies :(

Now listening to dimple .

Okay guys so haritu yasmin stated out her thoughts of going to a bangtan concert one day . :( . I reallly hope they will come here today . I really do . so , from now I have to start make some savings , and hoping that they will come here one dayy aaaaaahhhhhhhh . knowing the facts that our mommy seokjin is going to serve for army in near time really broke my heart into pieces :( . I will miss them .

Now its 2.09 am . how to sleep ?

And hm yeah I hate myself for loving someone too much that it hurts so bad

Now listening to hold me tight .

Okaylah . I really didn’t plan to stan anyone in the group at first . I just want to get know each of them je sebab I feel so dumb been following them since fire era but I am bad at recognizing their faces except for namjoon . sampailah hmmmmmmmmmmmmMMmMmmMMMMmmMMMMmMmmmm this man’s aura affected me so mucch and I feel so attracted by his being in their new comeback . since I can recognize distinct-tively their faces so yeah I stan so hard so bad at this man watching his dancing oh my god I-im weak .

I hate myself for this . I hate it bcs I literally would have my own imaginary somebody based on the quality of the person that I stan in this group . ah !!!!!oejfakgkrjO3GQJAKE;

Now listening to house of cards .

Okay people thankyou for reading this entry but im sorry cuz this post wont benefit you at all . I just feel ah a sense of relief since I put all my thoughts into words so yeah I feel much better now . thanks guys . and gooodluck in anything you do !

Much love



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